Business Administration (MBA)

Accounting | Business Administration | Decision Science | Economics | International Business | Management | Marketing


ACCT B715 Managerial Acct. & Financial Reporting 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Managerial Accounting | Module II: Financial Reporting

This course covers the preparation of accounting information with a primary emphasis on meeting the needs of internal users. Topics include product/service costing methods, activity-based costing, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, responsibility accounting, performance measurement and evaluation, and capital budgeting decisions.

ACCT B893 Special Topics in Accounting 3 crs.

ACCT B899 Independent Study in Accounting 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview

Business Administration

BA B701: Launch Week 1 cr. (CORE)

This course will serve a workshop to: meet and interact with College of Business MBA faculty and staff and MBA students. It will also provide individualized coaching from MBA faculty and staff to help students develop career goals and prepare to face job recruiters. Students will be introduced to case analysis and financial statement analysis.

BA B702: Venture Week 1 cr. (CORE)

In this week-long immersion week, students will tap into the energy of the New Orleans ecosystem and experience “lean” entrepreneurial processes by formulating an idea, a business model and a presentation in four days. By engaging with local entrepreneurs, faculty and each other, students will build teamwork skills relevant to fast-paced, project based work environments. Once learned, the tools used during this week can serve students in careers as consultants, non-profit managers, financial analysts, business developers, legal consultants, accountants, and even as full-fledged entrepreneurs.

BA B703: Career Week 1 cr. (CORE)

Career Week will help students formulate career goals, analyze possible careers in different industries and organizations, participate in workshops that help them develop a better understanding of the job market, attend coaching sessions to develop professional plans after their MBA, develop skills in business professionalism, hear executives talk about their careers and job experiences, and interact with alumni and executives.

BA B704: Social Justice Week 1 cr. (CORE)

Ethics + Social Justice Week introduces students to issues related to ethical behavior and social justice and applies them to real business cases and dilemmas.  In addition, it introduces students to the Jesuit value system and how Jesuit values apply to ethical issues in business.  Students will become more self-conscious and constructively self-critical of their ethical preconceptions.  They should have some awareness that there is more to business than making a profit and that ethical, social, and political issues are of vital importance to business organizations. Students should be better able to identify ethical challenges and be aware of the strategies of resources available to deal with them effectively. Finally, students should come to appreciate the relation between the Ignatian tradition and commerce, realizing that business is a crucial and honorable profession and that commerce is vital to our civilization.

BA B750 Global Strategy 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Competitive Strategy | Module II: Strategic Thinking

This course focuses on the roles and activities of general managers (or executives or leaders), who must analyze and identify solutions to a wide range of strategic and organizational problems.   The goal is to develop a “strategic mind-set” and build strategic-thinking skills.   In addition, it focuses on applying analytical models to solve ambiguous problems that do not always have a simple solution.  The goal is to develop better analytical and decision-making skills, as well as skills in strategy execution and organizational change. The course is based primarily on the case method, which deals with the analysis of ambiguous problems, development of strategic- thinking skills, and practical application of analytical models to solve complex problems.

BA B815 Private Equity Investments 3 crs. (ELECTIVE)

This course examines evaluation of business models; valuation and due diligence of new ventures; and the process and mechanics of new venture equity funding. Areas of primary emphasis in the course are the role of consultants; critical evaluation of the effectiveness of business models presented; the scope of angel investing; the stages of seeking equity funding; and performing due diligence of potential investments. This is an integrative course that includes the study of marketing, management, production and operations, insurance, economics, human resources, business law and decision methods - as they apply to new ventures.

Prerequisities: ACCT B715, FIN B700, MGT B711

BA B820 Individual + Corporate Entrepreneurship 3 crs. (ELECTIVE)

This course relates and integrates the student’s academic and professional experience through the analysis of an independent/corporate new venture start-up. The course takes a systems approach to problems which are confronted in developing a new business over time, intuition and creative problems solving techniques.

Prerequisite: FIN B700

BA B855 Capstone 3 crs.

This course integrates all the knowledge gleaned from MBA coursework and apply that knowledge through the creation of a comprehensive business plan. This business plan will demonstrate mastery of business philosophy, theory, application, and practice through the design and integration of strategies and plans needed to meet the overall aim of the organization. Effectiveness will be demonstrated through the alignment of all organizational processes, including leadership systems; strategic, tactical and operational planning; identification of customers and important stakeholders and designing systems for incorporating requirements; information systems and methods for collecting, analyzing and disseminating knowledge; human resource systems; operational, support services and supplier integration, and financial and compliance processes for monitoring performance. Successful completion of the business plan will demonstrate the mastery sufficient for advancement into a professional career.

Must be taken in last semester of residence

BA B893 Special Topics in Business 3 crs.

BA B899 Independent Study in Business 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview

Decision Science + Economics

DECS B725 Quantitative Modeling & Economics 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Quantitative Modeling | Module II: Foundations of Economics

The course will develop qualitative and quantitative approaches for decision making in the field of management. Students will learn how to use theoretical and quantitative tools to enhance their ability to analyze real world problems, identify possible solutions, and make the right decisions to achieve performance excellence.

DECS B893 Special Topics in Decision Science 3 crs.

DECS B899 Independent Study in Decision Science 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview

ECON B893 Special Topics in Economics 3 crs.

ECON B899 Independent Study in Economics 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview


FIN B700 Advanced Financial Management 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Risk & Pricing Models | Module II: Payout & Restructuring

The course emphasizes the application of financial theory by giving the student a framework for analyzing and recommending alternative solutions to business financial problems. Special emphasis will be on financial decision-making that requires integrating the core finance areas of corporate finance, investments, portfolio management, and multinational finance. The course combines application to real life cases with theoretical concepts. The course provides the tools needed for fundamental as well as technical analysis of selected publicly traded companies. Definition of different types of risk exposure and possible remedies are discussed and the aim is to provide solutions to a variety of financial problems of our selected companies.

FIN B805 Investments 3 crs. (ELECTIVE)

This course examines different types of investments, all of which have the dimensions of risk and expected return. Students study the flow of funds in the economy which leads to the term structure of interest rates underlying investment; they learn how to analyze and forecast interest rates and their effects on the values of securities; they compute anticipated and realized rates of return; and they learn portfolio theory, which explains how the risk borne by the investor affects the rate of return he/she requires on a stock. Fundamental analysis of publicly-traded securities is a major portion of the course, and students forecast the earnings and dividends of firms and study how these fundamental factors affect the stock price. The functioning of financial markets, and their efficiency, is also explored.

Prerequisite: FIN B700

FIN B893 Special Topics in Finance 3 crs.

FIN B899 Independent Study in Finance 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview

International Business

INTB B893 Special Topics in International Business 3 crs.

INTB B899 Independent Study in International Business 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview


MGT B705 Leadership Communication 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Communication | Module II: Transformational Leadership

This course improves the abilities of participants in the areas of effective presentations (including design), professional business writing, business etiquette, communication preferences, coaching skills, and nonverbal communication skills. Students will work in teams, deliver presentations, and give constructive feedback on oral and written assignments throughout the entire course.

MGT B711 Operations + Supply Chain Management 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Operations | Module II: Supply Chain Management

The course introduces fundamental quantitative approaches for decision making in the field of operations management. Students will learn how to use theoretical and quantitative tools to enhance their ability to analyze real world problems, identify possible solutions, and make right decisions to achieve performance excellence in operations.

MGT B725 Leadership Dynamics 3 crs. (ELECTIVE)

This course is a study of the interactions that exist between people, especially in the context of organizations. In particular, it examines two important processes in organizations: leadership and team-building. Topics include the roles of context and followers in the emergence of leaders, exercise of power, ethical issues faced by leaders, influence, diversity, team influences on beliefs and perceptions, the development of teams and team norms, conformity and deviance in teams, team decision making, and designing teams for effective performance and decision making. Other related issues associated with human behavior in organizations, including coaching, conflict resolution, negotiation, and empowerment, will also be studied.

Prerequisite: MGT B760

MGT B735 High Performance Work Systems 3 crs. (ELECTIVE)

This course applies the Systems Thinking and Learning paradigm to human resource management, such that students will enhance their ability to analyze real world problems, identify possible solutions, and make right decisions to align the work force with the organizational aim and processes. In line with this aim and the characteristics needed for successful managers, this course seeks to guide students in embracing a theory of business based on philosophies, theories, and approaches to business and its execution; understanding and describing systems theory, recognizing that organizations are complex systems, and addressing high levels of complexity in human resource management using a framework based on systems theory; identifying, interpreting and utilizing statistics and methods for recognizing actual and potential gaps in performance and reducing variance in organizational results; creating a comprehensive strategy and action plans for organizational problem solving and development, which are systematically aligned with human resource management and executed through processes that ensure proper implementation and execution.

Prerequisite: MGT B760

MGT B760 Strategic Leadership 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Managing People | Module II: Leadership

The objective of this course is to help students develop the skills to analyze and address leadership challenges, opportunities and knowledge to create a sustainable organizational with world-class performance. Students will be introduced to some of the central ideas and frameworks in the field of Leadership and will help you understand how to apply these ideas and frameworks to analyze organizational performance and sustainability. This course is about how the “visionary leader” can build and run a positive and successful, sustainable organization.

MGT B825 Global Supply Chain Management 3 crs. (ELECTIVE)

This course examines global supply chain management as a systematic approach to managing business through analyzing and controlling flows of information, materials, and cash from raw material suppliers to the final customers. It represents a philosophy of doing business that stresses processes and integration. As a graduate course, it focuses on how to design and manage the supply chain to match firms’ competitive strategies and achieve the high profits of the whole supply chain. Topics include decision making on supply chain design, sourcing, coordination, inventory management, logistics management, and information sharing.

Prerequisite: MGT B711

MGT B893 Special Topics in Management 3 crs.

MGT B899 Independent Study in Management 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview


MKT B700 Marketing Management 3 crs. (CORE)

Module I: Marketing Management | Module II: Customer Orientation

This course addresses how marketing activities and customer orientations impact ALL aspects of the company systems, especially: (1) identifying customer value; (2) prioritizing customer value segments; and (3) aligning organizational processes in order to maximize customer value as a means of achieving excellence in firm performance. The purpose of this course is to prepare leaders who understand the need for a customer-centered organization and use marketing skills and expertise in creating overall performance excellence in an organization.

MKT B893 Special Topics in Marketing 3 crs.

MKT B899 Independent Study in Marketing 3 crs.

See description in MBA Program Overview